FileZilla Pro is making it possible for its users to store and share files with greater versatility and security. FileZilla Pro Adds Support for Keystone V3, OneDrive Sharing, and Amazon STSīy adding support for the OpenStack Swift Keystone v3 identity service, OneDrive Sharing, and Amazon Secure Token Service (STS). Admin UI: Fixed switching from "Use system credentials to log in" to "Require a password to log in" not applying.MSW: The notification area icon now displays again in all display scale factors.Fixed a crash if a session is closed and the data connection receives a connection error at the same time.FileZilla Server 1.5.1 released Bugfixes and minor changes: Handle rare cases of non-existing download directory in the updater.Fix export of root items in the Site Manager.Use improved asynchronous file readers/writers from libfilezilla.FileZilla Client 3.61.0-beta1 released New features: News - FileZilla Client 3.61.0 released Bugfixes and minor changes:
Get the server if you want to make files available for others. Pick the client if you want to transfer files.